Category Archives: News & Press

How to Choose the Best Solar Business Model for Your Company

Solar Business Model

India’s Ambitious Solar Energy Goals

The solar business model is crucial for determining how solar power plants function in India’s quest for a solar-powered future. This model specifies how income is earned, either by selling the energy generated or by using the electricity produced on-site and saving money. The solar business model affects many aspects, such as who owns the project, how much investment is needed, how operations and maintenance are handled, and what returns the stakeholders can expect.

As India makes significant strides towards its clean energy targets, currently boasting an impressive 72.31 GW of installed solar energy capacity as of November 2023, the journey is far from over. This is an impressive stride towards the initial target of 100 GW of solar capacity. Though the 100 GW mark has not yet been attained, India is not settling.

The country has set its sights even higher, aiming for a whopping 500 GW of renewable energy capacity by 2030. This includes all forms of renewable energy – solar, wind and more. As R.K. Singh, the Union Minister for Power and New & Renewable Energy succinctly put it: “We’ll hit that 500 GW well before 2030.

This bold target reflects not only a numerical success but also India’s leadership in the global shift towards clean energy.

For businesses in India, the solar business model paves the way for financial incentives and opportunities, aligning seamlessly with the nation’s dedication to a sustainable and brighter future for all.

There are two main types of solar business models in India: the CAPEX model and the RESCO model. Each of these models has its own advantages and disadvantages, depending on the specific needs and preferences of the business owner.

CAPEX Model Explained

The CAPEX model involves the business taking full ownership and responsibility for the solar power system. This means the business purchases the solar panels, inverters, and other equipment upfront to install on their property. 

CAPEX Solar Business Model

The main elements of the CAPEX model include:

– High Upfront Investment: The business must pay the full capital expenditure (CAPEX) costs to purchase and install the solar system. This requires significant funds upfront but provides complete ownership.

– Long Term Savings: By owning the solar system, the business enjoys lowered electricity bills for decades. Once the upfront investment is recouped, the “free” energy from the sun provides excellent long-term savings.

– Full Control: The business has complete control over the solar system, panels, and maintenance. There is no third-party involvement.

– Tax Breaks: Government incentives like accelerated depreciation and tax credits provide financial benefits that improve ROI on the solar investment.

Overall, the CAPEX model is ideal for businesses focused on long-term savings, full control, and leveraging tax incentives. The major barrier is the large upfront investment required. But for some, owning their own power plant is worth it for decades of nearly free solar energy from the sun.

 Pros of CAPEX Model

Ownership of your own solar power system through the CAPEX model provides some key advantages:

– Long-term Savings: By owning your own solar system, you can lock in low electricity rates for decades to come, insulating your business from ever-escalating grid tariffs and securing decades of free sunshine-fueled electricity. This gives you price stability and reduces your operating costs over the long run.

Tax Breaks & Incentives: The government offers incentives like accelerated depreciation and tax credits to make solar power investments more lucrative. These can significantly boost your return on investment.

– Property Value Boost: Properties with solar power systems installed have higher valuation and fetch higher rents or sale prices. Going solar can directly increase the value of your business property.

– Control over the System: As the owner, you have full control over the solar power system installed on your property. You control all operations and maintenance and are not bound to any external party.

 Cons of CAPEX Model

The CAPEX model requires a substantial upfront investment to purchase and install the solar power system. This can put a major dent in your capital expenditure budget. You’ll need to self-finance or take out a loan to cover these initial costs.  

As the owner of the solar power system, you are also responsible for all maintenance and repairs. This includes regular cleaning of the panels, inverter checks, and any fixes needed over the 20-30 year lifespan of the system. Proper maintenance is essential to keep your system performing optimally.

There are performance risks associated with owning your own system. Factors like shading, soiling, inverter failure etc. can impact energy generation. You’ll have to shoulder these production and revenue losses when issues arise.

As solar technology improves over time, your system may become outdated earlier than expected. Upgrading to newer, higher efficiency panels down the line will add to your CAPEX costs.

So while the CAPEX model provides long-term savings and control, the burden of upfront expenses, maintenance, and upgrade costs rests squarely on your shoulders.

 OPEX/PPA/RESCO Model Explained

The OPEX/PPA/RESCO model allows businesses to benefit from solar power without the major upfront investment required of the CAPEX model.

OPEX Solar Business Model

In this model, a third party such as a solar energy provider or RESCO (renewable energy service company) will finance, install, operate and maintain the solar power system on your property. As the business owner, you simply pay for the electricity generated by the solar panels based on a predetermined rate and term length outlined in a power purchase agreement (PPA).

Some key aspects of the OPEX/PPA/RESCO model:

– Third party ownership – The solar system is owned and operated by the service provider, not your business. This eliminates the need for any major upfront investment.

– Power Purchase Agreement (PPA) – A long-term contract to purchase the electricity generated by the solar power system, usually 10-15 years. The rate is lower than your utility but may be slightly higher than the CAPEX model.

– Operation, maintenance and performance – All responsibilities for operating, maintaining and ensuring optimal performance of the solar system lies with the service provider.

– Scalability – Businesses can easily scale solar capacity up or down through their PPA.

The OPEX model offers an accessible path to solar energy for businesses unwilling or unable to make major upfront investments. While you don’t own the system, it provides cost savings with minimal hassle.

 Pros of OPEX/PPA/RESCO Model

The OPEX/PPA/RESCO model offers several key advantages that make it an attractive option for many businesses looking to adopt solar power:

 No Upfront Costs

One of the biggest pros of the OPEX model is that there are zero upfront costs for the business owner. The RESCO handles the entire initial investment for purchasing and installing the solar panels and equipment. This allows businesses to avoid the huge capital expenditure required to buy their own solar power system. The business simply pays for the electricity generated by the system on a per unit basis. This predictable electricity bill each month is the only cost.

 Low Maintenance 

With an OPEX contract, the RESCO is responsible for all maintenance and repairs related to the solar power system. So the panels, inverters, wiring etc. are all looked after by the RESCO. The business owner does not have to worry about system upkeep or finding technicians to service the equipment as needed. This makes it a hassle-free arrangement.

 Easy to Scale Over Time

A major advantage of the OPEX model is the flexibility it offers in system sizing. If the business grows and energy needs increase, it’s easy to adjust the PPA and add more solar panels to scale up power generation. There’s no need for the business to make additional capital investments to expand the system. The RESCO handles upgrading the equipment as required. This scalability makes it easy to right-size the solar system for current energy needs.

 Cons of OPEX/PPA/RESCO Model

The OPEX/PPA/RESCO model isn’t without its downsides. Here are some potential cons to consider:

– Less control over the system: Since you don’t own the solar power system, you have less control over it. You can’t make changes or upgrades without approval from the RESCO.

– Potentially higher electricity costs: While you avoid the upfront investment, the electricity rates per unit could end up costing more over the long run compared to owning your own system. The RESCO needs to recover their initial investment and make a profit.

– Locked into a long term contract: OPEX/PPA/RESCO contracts typically range from 10-15 years – that’s a long-term commitment with little flexibility to change providers. It’s like signing up for a marriage to sunshine where divorce is not an option. Make sure you’re comfortable being tied to one RESCO for decades.

 Choosing the Right Solar Business Model

When selecting a solar business model, it’s important to reflect on your budget constraints, risk tolerance, and long-term goals. 

The CAPEX model may be the best fit if you want more control over your energy source along with tax deductions and incentives. Since you own the system under CAPEX, you benefit directly from government solar subsidies and accelerated depreciation. This allows you to maximize savings over the lifespan of the panels. Just keep in mind that the upfront costs will be higher and you take on more maintenance responsibility.

For businesses that want to avoid high initial investments, the OPEX model is very appealing. The third party finance provider shoulders the upfront panel and installation costs, so you can start benefiting from solar right away. However, electricity rates are slightly higher than the CAPEX model over the long run. And maintenance becomes the responsibility of the RESCO, not you.

Ultimately, choosing between CAPEX and OPEX depends on your budget, tolerance for risk, and goals for long-term savings or low initial outlay. Analyze your specific business needs to determine if the benefits of control and tax incentives outweigh the convenience and low startup costs. With the right solar model powering your company, you’ll be well on your way to joining India’s renewable energy revolution!

 Investing in a Sustainable Future

With India’s ambitious solar energy goals, businesses have an incredible opportunity to invest in a more sustainable future. Going solar doesn’t just make economic sense; it benefits the environment and allows companies to demonstrate social responsibility.

Solar energy generates power without any air or water pollution, reducing dependence on fossil fuels. Widespread adoption of solar can significantly lower India’s carbon emissions and improve air quality. Businesses that install solar panels lead by example and show that profitability and sustainability can go hand in hand.

India is also demonstrating global leadership in clean energy through its massive push for solar power capacity. The country’s commitment to adding 500 GW of renewable energy by 2030 sets an example for nations worldwide. When Indian companies adopt solar, they become part of this clean energy success story.

By choosing solar, businesses can power their operations sustainably for decades to come. The sun provides an endless, clean energy source. Investing in solar technology allows companies to reduce their environmental impact and become stewards of a greener future.

Going solar makes sense financially and ethically. With two attractive models to choose from, every forward-thinking business can find a way to profit from the power of the sun while advancing India’s renewable energy revolution. Leading this sustainability drive will enable the country to shine bright as a beacon of climate action and progressive vision.

Contact us today at +91-8320095024 or visit to learn more about how to choose the best solar business model for your company! Feel free to reach out with any questions or to start your solar journey!

solarize bharat solar panel

Take the next step in renewable energy by joining the Solarize Bharat pledge. Imagine your business not just as an entity benefiting from solar power but as a contributor to a nationwide movement, shaping the future of energy in our incredible nation.

Stay solar-powered and environmentally inspired!

P.S.: Share this blog with fellow solar enthusiasts to spread the word about the exciting world of solar energy!

Solar Trackers: Track the Sun and Boost Your Solar Output!

Solar Trackers

Should You Track the Sun?

The sun, our planet’s powerhouse, is a majestic force in the universe. Imagine harnessing its full potential for clean energy, but what if your solar panels aren’t catching all the rays? Enter the game-changing technology of solar trackers!

In this blog, we’ll embark on a journey into the world of solar tracking, unlocking its secrets and showing you, how it can supercharge your solar energy production. Moreover, are you ready to dive in and unleash the sun’s true power?

So, why the buzz about solar trackers?

Traditional solar panels, while wonderful, are static. However, as the sun traverses the sky throughout the day and seasons, they miss out on prime sunlight exposure. In contrast, solar trackers are the dynamic solution.

These ingenious devices actively follow the sun’s path, ensuring that your panels are perfectly angled for maximum energy capture. Think of it as turning your panels into sun-chasing robots; they are constantly seeking the most potent rays!

How do these sun-chasers work?

The magic behind solar trackers lies in their ability to adapt to the sun’s ever-changing position. Here’s how they work:

  • Manual Trackers: For areas with lower labor costs, these require manual adjustments to follow the sun. Imagine nudging your panels occasionally!
  • Passive Trackers: In contrast, these rely on a fluid with a low boiling point to trigger movement, like a sunbathing sunflower turning towards the warmth.
  • Active Trackers: The ultimate sun-chasers, on the other hand, these use motors, hydraulics, or even microprocessors for precise panel adjustment. Think of them as high-tech robots, constantly dancing with the sun.

But it doesn’t stop there! Modern trackers offer additional features:

  • Cloudy Day Adaptation: Tilt panels horizontally to capture diffuse light even on gloomy days.
  • Wind Speed Adjustment: Sensors detect high winds and adjust panel positions for optimal protection.

Types of Solar Trackers: Choosing Your Sun-Chasing Champions

Not all sun-chasers are created equal! Solar trackers come in two flavors, each with its own unique way of following the sun:

  • Single-Axis Trackers: These trackers focus on one dimension, tilting either east-west (horizontal) or north-south (vertical). Ideal for low-latitude (horizontal) or high-latitude (vertical) installations, they maximize energy capture through summer and winter sun shifts.
TPSAT (Tilted Plane Single Axis tracker)
TPSAT (Tilted Plane Single Axis tracker)
TPSAT adjusts the tilt of solar panels along a single axis, following the sun’s seasonal movement for optimal energy capture.
HSAT (Horizontal Single Axis Tracker):
HSAT (Horizontal Single Axis Tracker)
HSAT rotates solar panels from east to west on a fixed horizontal axis, maintaining an optimal angle for sunlight exposure throughout the day.
TSAT (Tilted Single Axis Tracker)
TSAT (Tilted Single Axis Tracker)
TSAT tilts solar panels along a single axis to track the sun’s movement, ensuring efficient sunlight capture with limited tilt angles.
  • Dual-Axis Trackers: These trackers track the sun in both east-west and north-south directions. Consider them as acrobats, precisely adjusting to catch every ray. More expensive than single-axis trackers, their enhanced output in fluctuating sunlight conditions is advantageous.
Double Axis Solar Trackers

Choosing the Right Solar Trackers for Your Sun-Soaked Journey

The ideal tracker for you depends on your location, sunlight patterns, and budget. Here’s a quick guide:

  • Low-latitude regions: Opt for horizontal single-axis trackers to chase the east-west sun movement.
  • High-latitude regions: Choose vertical single-axis trackers to maximize capture throughout the year’s varying sun angles.
  • Areas with fluctuating sunlight: Consider dual-axis trackers for their superior adaptability and energy harvesting potential.
  • Limited budget: Single-axis trackers offer a cost-effective entry point into the world of solar tracking.
  • High energy demand: Dual-axis trackers can significantly boost your power production, making them ideal for large-scale installations.

Say goodbye to underperforming panels!

  • More Power, More Savings: Trackers can increase your solar energy output by a whopping 20-40%, translating to significant cost savings on your electricity bills.
  • Sustainable & Efficient: Trackers help us generate more clean energy, reducing our reliance on fossil fuels.
  • Land Optimization: Produce more energy in the same space! Trackers can optimize land usage, making them ideal for areas with limited space.

However, are solar trackers suitable for everyone?

While incredibly beneficial, trackers come with some considerations:

  • Higher Initial Cost: The technology behind them makes them slightly more expensive than static panels. But remember, the long-term energy savings can outweigh the initial investment.
  • Maintenance Needs: Depending on the type, trackers may require some maintenance. Think of it as giving your sun-chasing robots a periodic tune-up!
  • Site Preparation: Installation involves additional considerations like trenching for wiring and ensuring suitable ground conditions.

So, should you join the solar tracking revolution?

If you’re looking to maximize your solar energy output, have sufficient space, and are willing to invest for long-term savings, then trackers are definitely worth considering. They’re particularly advantageous in locations with high solar irradiance and fluctuating sunlight conditions.

Trackers are not suitable for every situation. Consulting with a solar professional can help you determine if they’re the right fit for your specific needs and budget.

Ready to illuminate your path to sustainable energy? Contact us today at +91-8320095024 or visit to learn more about how solar trackers can transform your energy landscape! Feel free to reach out with any questions or to start your solar journey!

solarize bharat solar panel

Take the next step in renewable energy by joining the Solarize Bharat pledge. Imagine your business not just as an entity benefiting from solar power but as a contributor to a nationwide movement, shaping the future of energy in our incredible nation.

Stay solar-powered and environmentally inspired!

P.S.: Share this blog with fellow solar enthusiasts to spread the word about the exciting world of solar tracking!

How Mehsana Project is Reducing CO2 Emissions Equivalent to 17,820 Cars

CO2 Emission Reduction

Greetings, environmental stewards! Today, let’s embark on a journey into the realm of solar wonders specific to our diverse and dynamic country, India. Shift your focus from the financial advantages; let’s delve into the environmental superhero cape adorning solar panels over the rooftops of our nation. As ardent solar advocates at Soleos Solar Energy, we are proud to present our latest project in Mehsana, Gujarat. This project, called the Mehsana Project, has helped reduce CO2 emissions equivalent to 17,820 cars or 1,330,218 trees. In this blog post, we will explore the impact of the Mehsana Project and how it is reducing CO2 emissions.

Understanding Solar CO2 Savings

Let’s ground our discussion in a real-world case study: the Mehsana Project in Ahmedabad, installed by Soleos Solar Energy, boasting a capacity of 16.5 MW, or 16,500 kW. Every kilowatt-hour (kWh) generated by this solar system is a triumph against carbon emissions, contributing to a greener tomorrow while mitigating the city’s carbon footprint.

Solar Power vs. CO2 Emissions (Mehsana Project)

Understanding the carbon dioxide emissions associated with electricity consumption in India requires a nuanced approach, considering the energy mix and carbon intensity in different regions. According to the Central Electricity Authority (CEA) report of 2022, the average carbon intensity for electricity generation in India hovers around 0.82 kilograms of CO2 per kilowatt-hour (kgCO2/kWh).

An analysis by the European Environmental Commission suggests that a single tree will sequester 22 kg (48.5 lbs) of carbon per year.

Mehsana Project in Detail:

– Total Capacity: 16,500 kWp

– Technology Used: 540 wp Bifacial Monocrystalline half-cut with TPSAT tracker

– Total Power Generation per Month: 3,465,000 kWh (approx)

– Total Power Generation per Year: 38,692,500 kWh (approx)

Mehsana Project Reduce CO2 emission

Carbon Emission Reduction Calculation:

1. Monthly CO2 Savings:

   – Carbon Intensity (kgCO2/kWh): 0.82

   – Monthly Carbon Savings = Total Power Generation per Month * Carbon Intensity

   – Monthly Carbon Savings = 3,465,000 kWh * 0.82 kgCO2/kWh

2. Yearly CO2 Savings:

   – Yearly Carbon Savings = Total Power Generation per Year * Carbon Intensity

   – Yearly Carbon Savings = 38,692,500 kWh * 0.82 kgCO2/kWh

CO2 emission reduction

The calculated carbon savings amount to 29,224,800 kg of CO2, or 29,224.80 tonnes annually. This is equivalent to removing 17,820 cars from the road for a year or offsetting the carbon emissions of over 29,224 tonnes of gas.

An analysis by the European Environmental Commission suggests that a single tree will sequester 22 kg (48.5 lbs) of carbon per year.

Trees Saved Per Year at Mehsana Project:

We find that the Mehsana Project’s annual carbon savings could potentially save around 1,330,218 trees per year.

Estimate Your Own carbon Emissions Savings

For those curious about their solar system’s impact, consider your annual solar generation and CO2 kg to visualise the positive change. In the case of the Mehsana Project, the 29,224,800 kg of CO2 savings translate into offsetting the carbon emissions of 1,614,739,500 smartphones charged or 518,100 propane cylinders used for home barbecues in the city.

Looking at the Big Picture with Soleos Solar Energy

At Soleos Solar Energy, we take immense pride in our local contributions and global impact. Our solar installations worldwide have significantly contributed to carbon savings, fostering a cleaner, greener future for cities like Ahmedabad and beyond.

As we celebrate the Mehsana Project’s environmental impact, let’s collectively recognise the broader implications of embracing solar energy. By harnessing the power of the sun, we not only reduce carbon emissions but also contribute to a more sustainable and resilient future for generations to come.

Ready to elevate your business into a solar hero? 💪 Take the next step by joining the Solarize Bharat pledge. Imagine your business not just as an entity benefiting from solar power but as a contributor to a nationwide movement, shaping the future of energy in our incredible nation.

solarize bharat solar panel

Ready to take the first step towards reducing carbon dioxide emissions from your own home? 💪 Contact us today at +91-8320095024 or visit Let’s light up your journey to a greener, more efficient future!

Solar Metering: A Guide to Energy Optimization for Business Owners

What is Solar Metering

Welcome to the dynamic world of solar energy, where rooftops transform into power hubs. Today, let’s explore the essentials of solar metering — an indispensable tool for business owners seeking both savings and a greener footprint.

Ready to dive into the world of solar metering? Buckle up, because we’re about to shed light on how this nifty system can not only save you money on energy bills but also make your business a solar superhero.

Solar Metering Unveiled: Power When You Need It

Imagine your business rooftop decked out with solar panels, soaking in all that sunshine. Solar metering is like the behind-the-scenes maestro making sure everything runs smoothly. It connects to the electrical grid, storing any extra electricity your solar panels generate. Here’s the cool part – you only pay for the electricity you actually use. No waste, no fuss.

No batteries here, folks. Any surplus energy? It gracefully goes back to the grid. It’s not just good for your pocket; it’s a thumbs-up to Mother Earth—saving you money and contributing to a greener Earth.

How It Works

Now, let’s talk about Net Metering, the dance where your business becomes a savvy performer. When your solar panels outshine your energy needs, the bidirectional electric meter takes the spotlight. It records the extra electricity flowing back to the grid, earning you credits for every excess unit.

Meet Mr. Sharma from Jaipur, a small business owner. His rooftop not only powers his workshop but also adds a green touch to the city’s energy grid. Net Metering isn’t just reducing his energy bills; it’s turning his business into a green powerhouse.

Net Metering vs. Gross Metering: Picking Your Tune

Solar Metering
Solar Metering

Now, the big question – Net Metering vs. Gross Metering. If you’re a smaller business (up to 500 kilowatts), Net Metering is your go-to jam.

Net Metering: Your Business’s Perfect Fit

It’s like having a custom suit tailored just for you. You use the solar energy you generate, and any extra gracefully goes into the grid. You only pay for what you use. Simple and efficient – that’s Net Metering for you.

Let’s picture Mr. Sharma from Jaipur, who needs 25kW of electricity. To power up, he got a 15kW solar setup that kicks in when the sun is shining bright. During the sunny stretch, he produces an extra 2kWh of power, which he happily shares back with the grid. Alongside this, he pulls in 12kW of electricity from the regular utility grid.

Gross Metering: A Symphony for the Big Players

For larger ventures, it’s like joining a solar symphony. All your solar-generated electricity flows into the grid. You import electricity for your business needs and get compensated for your solar contribution. It’s a win-win.

Net Billing: Getting Paid for Your Solar Contribution

Now, let’s talk about the less-known hero—Net Billing. In this system, you get actual direct payment for any excess electricity generated and exported to the grid. The rates may be lower than retail tariffs, linked to the average power purchase cost of the discom. It gives distribution companies an advantage, but it’s a solid choice for businesses aiming for long-term gains.

In a nutshell, whether you choose Net Metering for tailored efficiency, Gross Metering for a grand symphony, or Net Billing for direct payment, solar metering empowers your business with solar energy. It’s not just about saving on energy bills; it’s about contributing to a sustainable future.

The Verdict: Powering Your Business with Solar Energy

As a business owner, choosing between Net Metering and Gross Metering is like picking your business’s theme song. Tailored efficiency or a grand symphony—pick based on your size, needs, and vision.

Solar metering isn’t just about saving money; it’s about making your business a solar superstar, powered by the sun and marching towards a cleaner tomorrow. Ready to shine in the solar spotlight? Join the solar revolution today!

Ready to elevate your business into a solar hero? 💪 Take the next step by joining the Solarize Bharat pledge. Imagine your business not just as an entity benefiting from solar power but as a contributor to a nationwide movement, shaping the future of energy in our incredible nation.

Ready to make your business a solar hero? 💪 Contact us today at +91-8320095024 or visit Let’s light up your journey to a greener, more efficient future!

Solarize Bharat: Ignite Pioneering Transformation for a Radiant Tomorrow

Solarize Bharat

Hello, bright minds of Bharat! In a nation where every sunrise holds the promise of a new day, there’s a revolution quietly taking place—one powered by the very essence of our vibrant land: The Sun. Enter Solarize Bharat, a movement by Soleos Solar Energy that’s not just transforming rooftops; it’s changing the way we envision and consume energy.

Solarize Bharat: A Desi Solution for Desi Needs

Imagine harnessing the power of Surya Deva to light up our homes, power our industries, and propel our progress. Solarize Bharat is doing just that! It’s not just a pledge; it’s a vibrant celebration of our solar-rich heritage and a step towards an energy-independent India.

Key Objectives:

  1. Surya Namaskar for Your Homes
    • Solarize Bharat is on a mission to make every Indian home a powerhouse. Learn how your humble abode can embrace solar panels and dance to the rhythm of the sun, all while cutting down on those pesky electricity bills.
  2. Soleos: The Bollywood Star of Solar Solutions
    • Soleos Solar Energy, the hero of this story, brings a Bollywood twist to solar solutions. Think of them as the Shah Rukh Khan of the solar industry—passionate, committed, and here to steal the show with sustainable energy.

Benefits of Riding the Solar Wave (Solarize Bharat):

  1. Saving More Than Just Paisa:
    • Solarize Bharat is not just about saving money; it’s about saving our beautiful planet. Join the movement, and let’s show Mother Earth some love.
  2. Solarize Bharat, Desi Style:
    • Did you know that Solarize Bharat is not just an initiative; it’s a celebration of our diverse culture? Discover how solar energy aligns seamlessly with our values and traditions.

Challenges and Future Bollywoodesque Drama:

Yes, every blockbuster has its challenges, but the hero always prevails. Dive into the drama as Solarize Bharat battles the villains of traditional energy and emerges victorious, setting the stage for a sequel—Solarize Bharat 2.0.

Lights, Camera, Solar Action!

As the curtains fall on this blog, it’s your time to shine. Be the hero your country needs. Join the Solarize Bharat initiative and take the pledge for a brighter, cleaner, and more sustainable India. After all, we’re not just witnessing a revolution; we’re starring in it.

Ready for your close-up with solar energy? Click here to take the Solarize Bharat pledge. Lights, camera, solar action—it’s your time to shine!

Soleos Unveils New Generation Solar Panel: Powerful, Unique, and Futuristic!

New Generation Solar Panel

Soleos, one of the world’s leading EPC service providers, has recently introduced its unrivalled solar panel- ANTARES BI 144.

Recognizing the latest advancements and development in the energy sector, the company launched its sought-after solar panel module.

Technical Specifications and Performance

The recently-launched product offers increased efficiency to optimize space and lower overall system costs. This 182 and 212 mm cell ultra-high power module falls in the mono-crystalline silicon category and features the latest PERC Solar cells with high transmission energy.

Exceptional Features

The solar panel project ANTARES BI 144 provides top-level energy output of 21.5 per cent. It withstands wind loads up to 2.4 kPa and snow loads up to 5.5 kPa. In addition, the solar panel product ANTARES BI 144 has high radiation transmission capacity and tends to be proof against the adverse effects of sunlight.

Bifacial Technology (Solar Panel) for Increased Output

The newly launched solar panel project also features a bifacial solar panel with dual glass technology, aiming to intensify the output up 10-15 per cent from the capacity of 400 watts to 700 watts, with a 70 per cent bifacially factor. This solar panel maximizes the kWh output per unit area and boasts German technology manufacturing facility.

Founder’s Perspective on ANTARES BI 144 (Solar Panel)

Talking about the launch of the solar panel project, the company’s founder says, “We are extremely delighted to announce the new solar panel project ANTARES BI 144. With the introduction of our newly launched project, we have ensured to offer exceptional technical specifications and unique features to our clientele. From offering fresh designs, and top-level energy output to excellent generation performance backed by financial guarantees, and much more, we are aiming to provide our clients with the best kind of solar energy solutions. So, if you are looking forward to new-age technology and revolutionary experience, you are in the right place”.

Soleos Journey and Global Impact

Incorporated in 2012 under the able leadership of Bhavesh Kumar Rathod, the company has founded its strong roots in providing clients with cutting-edge, affordable, sustainable, and reliable solar power solutions.

Headquartered in India, ( Soleos now successfully operates in countries like the UK, UAE, Germany, and Africa. The firm has made a dominant position in the modular solution industry with the highest quality solar power plants with the highest performance.

In a short span of time, the organization has developed key competencies in solar design & engineering, supply of solar components, commissioning of solar power plants, and regulatory clearances. To create an ecological and economically sustainable world, the firm is time and again inventing something new. And with the recently launched project, Soleos have initiated a quantum leap in Solar power technology.

The firm Soleos was awarded Asia’s largest Solar Carport in 2016 at Honda, Rajasthan. Besides this, the firm has also achieved 6.5 units/kW generation in a day at Powerpac & Connect Power plants and acquired 8.33% of Gujarat’s market share solely with clients’ trust. With our newly developed solar tracker Soleos have been able to provide 35 per cent additional energy to customer, reducing the cost of electricity drastically.

Click here to take the Solarize Bharat pledge.

What You Need to Know About India’s Top Solar Manufacturers and Their Secrets

India is a global leader in solar energy, ranking among the top ten countries for its adoption of this clean and renewable source. The country has ambitious plans to install 100 GW of renewable energy by 2022, with a major focus on solar power. As one of the world’s fastest-growing economies, India faces the challenge of reducing its carbon footprint while meeting its growing energy demand. Solar energy offers a viable solution to this challenge, as it is abundant, affordable, and eco-friendly. India is on track to achieve its solar target, with 14 GW of capacity expected to be added in 2019, according to Bridge to India. The country has also introduced various policies and incentives to promote the development of solar energy and the top solar manufacturers in the country.

Let us look at the top 5 solar manufacturers or industries:

Adani Solar

Adani Solar in the top solar manufacturers (PV) and EPC parts of the Adani Group, India’s largest corporate conglomerate. Logistics, energy, agriculture, and related businesses are all growing.

Adani Solar is India’s first and largest vertically integrated solar company, offering a wide range of goods and services in the photovoltaics industry. India’s climate goals and aim of embracing a healthier energy mix are aided by the company’s position in the solar manufacturing sector.

  • Commissioning of projects with a capacity of more than 250 MW
  • Over 400 MW are currently being built.
  • Solar EPC company with the fastest-growing rooftop and distributed solar portfolio.

The cutting-edge technology, which includes machinery and equipment from the best-in-class providers, aims to aid with cost leadership, operational scale, and reliability requirements that meet worldwide benchmarks. Adani Solar is officially open for business.

Adani Solar has increased its yearly manufacturing capacity to 3.5 GW, placing it among the top 15 solar manufacturers in the world.

Mundra, Gujarat is home to India’s largest solar PV cell and module manufacturing, with a capacity of 1.5 GW.

Top Solar Manufacturers in India

Vikram Solar Limited

Vikram Solar Limited (previously Vikram Solar Pvt. Ltd.) is a global leader in solar energy solutions, specializing in high-efficiency PV module production (In top solar manufacturers) and turnkey EPC solutions.

  • Modules with high-efficiency 2.4 GW+ shipped all over the world
  • Complete operating and maintenance services servicing projects with a capacity of 660 GW or more
  • With a global footprint spanning six continents and a key role in developing the solar revolution. In 2017, Vikram Solar increased its rated annual pv module manufacturing capacity to 1 GW

Since 2006, Vikram Solar Limited has been building on the Vikram Group’s rich tradition and vast production experience by carrying forward the Vikram Group’s rich legacy and extensive manufacturing experience.

Vikram Solar Limited is proud of its track record of installing and commissioning solar projects totaling more than 1355 MW across India. May 2020 includes continuing (Ground mounted & Rooftop).

Top Solar Manufacturers in India

Waaree Energies

Waaree Energies Ltd., formed in 1989 and headquartered in Mumbai, India, is the flagship company of the Waaree Group. At its factories in Surat and Umbergaon, Gujarat, it has India’s greatest Solar PV Module manufacturing capacity of 2 GW (In top solar manufacturers).

Waaree Energies is a leading provider of EPC, project development, rooftop solutions, solar water pumps, and Independent Power Producer services in India. Waaree operates in more than 350 locations across the United States and 68 countries across the world.

Manufacturer of 2 GW solar panels in India. The World’s Largest Manufacturer of Solar Panels is based in India.

Waaree Energies’ plant in Gujarat has India’s largest Solar PV Module manufacturing capacity of 2 GW, allowing us to provide our customers with high-quality, low-cost solar goods. Mono and polycrystalline PV Modules ranging from 3Wp to 450Wp are available for various on-grid and off-grid applications in India and are exported worldwide.

Top Solar Manufacturers in India

TATA Power Solar

Tata Power Solar is India’s most reliable and dependable provider of rooftop solar systems. India’s premier integrated solar company, excelling across the solar value chain from cell/module and solar product manufacture to rooftop and utility-scale solar project implementation (In top solar manufacturers).

The company has been a pioneer in India’s rooftop sector for more than 30 years, having commissioned the first solar installation in 1991 and now having a rooftop system installed base of more than 425 MW.

  • Cumulative Solar Rooftop Of 425 MW++
  • The Largest Solar Carport In India (2.67 MW)

India’s largest corporations, multinational corporations, and institutions have chosen us as their green energy partner. Over 10,000 home clients have chosen the company as their preferred partner. Bridge to India has been named India’s No. 1 Solar Rooftop EPC player for the past six years.

Soleos Solar : One of the Leading Solar EPC Globally

Soleos solar is significantly one of the most potent names playing with solar energy and is amongst the leading EPC providers in PAN India. Going to history, since its inception in 2005, own its footprint from some of the major continents like Europe, Asia, and Africa. Since then, empowered in some of the most important needs i.e., Solar Rooftop, Ground Mount, and Solar PPA.

Soleos proved to be a time-tested return on investment, for every connected customer, where there is a number of options available in the sector, Soleos heed over sustainable solutions in terms of every solar need, installing best quality of solar power plants running throughout the performance parameters.

What does Soleos have for you?

  • Reliability

You don’t have to have prior knowledge and expertise for the implementation of such a complex process. The solar EPC companies in Gujarat, especially solar EPC companies in Ahmedabad are already equipped with subject matter experts and resources. You just have to entrust and select a reliable company such as Soleos and the entire process is streamlined.

  • Convenience

If you want comfortable handling of your project, you could go with a full-fledged EPC technique where everything is under one contract, leaving you with one bill to pay if you are involved with a licensed company.

  • Flexibility

If you wish to keep some stages under in-house implementation and sub-contracting other stages, solar EPC companies in Gujarat also give you the stretch.

  • On-time deployment

If you are concerned about getting your project built on time, you just need to sit back and relax while Soleos, solar EPC company in Ahmedabad delivers you the best efforts on time.

  • Finance

To provide additional affordability, only a handful of solar EPC companies in India provide financial assistance and loans for the projects.

  • Maintenance

After successfully installing the project, the Solar EPC Companies in India provide end-to-end maintenance and monitoring. So, it is a long-term investment for the company providing you with seamless support.

  • One-stop solution

The benefit of Hiring an EPC for a Solar project is that you don’t have to look for micromanagers for different solar problems. You could get a comprehensive solution from a single point of contact in a cost-effective manner. To go green and sustain that way, it is important to go for a reliable EPC with diversified operations.

  • Return on Investment

Another advantage is that since the post-installation of the project, the EPC provides maintenance and monitoring, you tend to recover the investment in less than estimated years. It saves the time, cost and effort involved.

solarize bharat top solar manufacturers

Take the next step in renewable energy by joining the Solarize Bharat pledge. Imagine your business not just as an entity benefiting from solar power but as a contributor to a nationwide movement, shaping the future of energy in our incredible nation.

Stay solar-powered and environmentally inspired!

P.S.: Share this blog with fellow solar enthusiasts to spread the word about the exciting world of solar energy!

Everything you need to know before installing a solar rooftop system

Solar Rooftop

It is not necessary to be a “greenie” to recognise that coal is not the way of the future (sorry Mr. Abbott). So, if you’re reading this, chances are you’re thinking about getting solar. Which of these is a positive step? So let’s get this party started. What are the five things you should know before going solar? During the day, millions of homes and business buildings in India, both urban and rural, have rooftops that receive abundant sunshine. These are perfect for capturing and turning the sun’s energy into electricity. This can be accomplished by installing an inverter, which converts the DC power provided by the solar rooftop panels to AC power, which is required by most appliances and electronics.

Although rooftops can be utilized to generate rooftop energy, there are several aspects to consider before installing solar panels on a rooftop.

On-grid system

One of these is the on-grid system, which connects the rooftop solar system to the main grid. When the rooftop solar system is unable to provide the required electricity, this method permits power to be drawn from the grid. As a result, a well-designed rooftop system may efficiently supply power without relying on grid power, saving money that would otherwise be spent on grid power. Because any extra electricity generated can be sent into the grid and compensated by DISCOMs via ‘net metering,’ this system can create cash.

Photovoltaic (PV) systems are generally divided into two major categories: grid-connected (also known as grid-tied) systems that are interfaced to an electricity grid and stand-alone systems that are self-contained. Since the 1990s the market has shifted decisively toward PV power plants and installations on buildings connected to an electricity grid. In 2000 grid-connected PV had overtaken stand-alone systems in global market share, and in 2016 more than 98% of solar cell production was being deployed in grid-connected systems.

Off-grid system

The off-grid system is one in which the rooftop solar system is not connected to the main grid. This system is self-contained and has its own battery. The battery is charged by the solar energy generated by the rooftop solar system, which is then used to power numerous applications. When there is no grid supply or when the supply is exceedingly irregular with frequent breakdowns, this technique comes in handy

Hybrid System

The third option is a hybrid system, which combines on-grid and off-grid power sources. Although a battery is utilized in this type of system, the advantage is that after the battery has been fully charged, the extra power generated is fed into the grid, generating additional cash for the consumer.

Possibility of using rooftops to generate electricity

The nature of the roof is critical in determining the practicality of house solar rooftop systems. The following are some of the aspects to consider:

The amount of sunshine accessible throughout the year, as well as the area available on the rooftop, are essential factors in calculating the amount of power that can be generated. By capturing one hour of direct sunshine, a typical residential solar panel may create roughly 290 watts. If the sun shines for 8 hours, the solar panel can generate 2320 watts of electricity.

The rooftop’s orientation in relation to the sun is critical. The panel should be oriented towards the south. If the roof is flat, solar panels should be installed at an angle pointing south to get the most sunshine. Furthermore, high-rise buildings should not obstruct the solar panels’ exposure to sunlight.

The cost of a solar rooftop system is influenced by the type of system that is chosen. Each variety has its own set of components; therefore, prices may vary.

How much of the rooftop should be used?

The maximum power that can be generated can be calculated based on the amount of sunshine available and the amount of space available on the rooftop. Furthermore, depending on the type of system – on-grid, off-grid, or hybrid – the homeowner can choose how much area on the rooftop will be used to generate electricity.


The homeowner can conduct a cost analysis and determine the amount of electricity required to be profitable. This could encompass both the quantity of power that can be sent to the grid to produce more cash and satisfy the homeowner’s power needs.

Solar rooftop systems are becoming increasingly popular as a source of electric power since they are renewable and abundant during the day. Implementing an appropriate rooftop solar system with careful planning can result in an endless supply of electric power with low recurrent costs.

Is solar energy a good fit for your home?

This is unquestionably the most important item to understand before installing solar panels. So, how can you know if your home is solar-ready? Here’s a list of “indicators” to look for when determining whether your home is solar-ready:

Solar panels don’t perform well in the shade, thus there should be very little of it. It’s best if there’s a lot of direct sunshine. So, if your property is in the shadow of a skyscraper or was built next to a colosseum, you might want to consider moving before going solar!

How much would you save on your electricity bill if you go solar? Solar doesn’t always work out well for everyone. You should have a power bill of at least $300 every quarter and utilise at least half of your energy during daylight hours to get the most out of your solar rooftop panels. This is more of a guideline than anything else. In general, the higher your electricity expense, the more benefit solar panels will provide.

The direction of the roof isn’t important right now. It is, nonetheless, critical. You should have a large North-facing roof to get the most out of solar rooftop panels (if you live in Australia). East-West cooperation is also possible. Especially for setups with an overloaded inverter.

Which Solar Panels and Inverters Should You Purchase?

There are numerous brands of solar panels and inverters to choose from. When selecting a solar panel or inverter, keep the following guidelines in mind:

Panels of solar energy:

Choose a business that has been in operation for a long time.
Avoid panels that try to pass themselves off as European or have special qualities.
Get a few quotations and choose a reasonable price and an excellent product rather than paying top dollar.


If you plan on staying in the house for a long time, pay top dollar for a high-quality product.
If you’re buying for a rental property or won’t be staying long, go for a low-cost panel.

What should your contract contain?

The contract you sign should include all the financial, ownership, and performance requirements. Because these systems can contain web-enabled equipment, you should also check to see if someone is collecting data on your home’s energy production and consumption, and who has access to it.


Going solar rooftop is a major step. Everything changes when you become aware of how much energy you consume. Your attitude toward energy usage shifts. Not only does it make you feel good about not having to pay those dictator power corporations wads of cash every quarter, but it also makes you feel good about doing something nice for the environment.

solarize bharat top solar manufacturers

Take the next step in renewable energy by joining the Solarize Bharat pledge. Imagine your business not just as an entity benefiting from solar power but as a contributor to a nationwide movement, shaping the future of energy in our incredible nation.

Stay solar-powered and environmentally inspired!

P.S.: Share this blog with fellow solar rooftop enthusiasts to spread the word about the exciting world of solar energy!

How Gujarat’s New Net Metering Policy Boosts Rooftop Solar Adoption

Net Metering

Gujarat, one of India’s leading states in solar energy production, has introduced a new net metering policy aimed at accelerating the adoption of rooftop solar systems. This policy plays a pivotal role in shaping the state’s renewable energy landscape, making solar power more accessible and financially rewarding for both residential and commercial users. The revamped policy encourages homeowners, businesses, and industries to harness solar energy while contributing to the state’s ambitious clean energy targets.

In this article, we explore how Gujarat’s new net metering policy is boosting rooftop solar adoption and transforming the state’s energy ecosystem.

The Gujarat Electricity Regulatory Commission (GERC) has revised the Gujarat Electricity Regulatory Commission (Net Metering Rooftop Solar PV Grid Interactive Systems) Regulations, 2016. According to the new Gujarat Electricity Regulatory Commission (Net Metering Rooftop Solar PV Grid Interactive Systems) (Third Amendment) Regulations, 2022, net metering will be permitted for rooftop solar systems with capacities ranging from 1 kW to 1 MW. Rooftop solar systems with capacities ranging from 10 kW to 1 MW will be eligible for gross metering.

Residential rooftop solar projects will be permitted under the new regulations, regardless of the sanctioned load. Consumers can take advantage of the program’s incentives. For captive consumers and projects set up under third-party sale within the permissible limit, there will be no capacity restrictions up to the sanctioned load demand. If a rooftop project set up under the gross metering mechanism by a residential or government consumer is located on their property, the DISCOM will purchase ownership or legal possession of the property under the Policy for Development of Small Scale Distributed Solar
Projects, 2019.

Solar project installation will be permitted up to the sanctioned load for projects established under the renewable energy certificate (REC) the mechanism for captive use or third-party sale. The capacity of solar projects built to meet renewable purchase obligation (RPO) requirements will be permitted regardless of their sanctioned load.

Understanding Net Metering

Net metering is a billing mechanism that allows solar energy users to receive credits for the electricity they generate and send back to the grid. When solar panels produce more electricity than a household or business needs, the excess power is exported to the grid, and users receive credits on their electricity bills. During periods of low solar generation, such as at night, users can draw power from the grid while offsetting the cost with the credits earned earlier.

Gujarat’s new net metering policy enhances this process, making it more attractive for individuals and businesses to invest in rooftop solar installations.

Residential and Government Projects

Rooftop solar projects installed on residential consumers’ rooftops will be permitted, regardless of the sanctioned load. A developer can also set up a solar project on the rooftop of a residential customer to generate and sell power to another consumer on the same premises under a third-party sale. In this case, the developer and consumer must enter into a lease or power sale agreement.

DISCOM must purchase power at 2.25 ($0.029)/kWh for the first five years from the project’s commissioning in the case of self-owned systems and SURYA Gujarat project consumers. Following that, they should purchase it at 75% of the simple average of the tariff discovered and contracted under GUVNL’s competitive bidding process for non-park-based solar projects in the preceding six months from the project’s commercial operation.

For projects set up for third-party sale, DISCOM must purchase the power at 75 percent of the simple average tariff discovered and contracted under GUVNL’s competitive bidding process for non-park-based solar projects in the six months preceding the project’s commercial operation.
The same must be fixed for the duration of the contract. GUVNL will declare such rates on a six-monthly basis, and they will be applicable under the agreement that Soleos will execute with the consumer. Residential consumers will not be charged any bank fees for using solar power.

Captive Project

There will be no capacity restrictions in this category. The captive consumer must make use of the energy produced by such a project. Annual documentation must be submitted to prove ownership of the captive solar-generating project and its annual energy consumption.

In the case of solar projects set up for captive use by HT or EHV consumers, energy set-off will be permitted between 7.00 and 18.00 hours on the same day. After the specified period, the surplus energy should be purchased by the respective DISCOM.

The energy set-off period for solar projects set up by LT demand-based consumers for captive use will be between 7.00 and 18.00 hours. The surplus energy not consumed by the customer during the period after set-off should be compensated by the respective DISCOMs using the surplus injection compensation (SIC) rates.

Surplus injection compensation rates for projects established by micro, small, and medium (MSM) manufacturing enterprises will be 2.25 ($0.029)/kWh for the first five years following project commissioning. They must later purchase it at 75% of the simple average tariff discovered by GUVNL for non-park-based solar projects in the six months preceding the project’s commercial operation. The tariff will be in effect for the duration of the agreement.

For projects set by non-MSMEs, the surplus injection compensation rate will be 75% of the simple average tariff discovered and contracted under GUVNL’s competitive bidding process for non-park-based solar projects in the six months preceding the project’s commercial operation. The same will apply for the duration of the agreement.

Solar energy consumed by demand-based consumers will be subject to banking charges of 1.50 ($0.019)/kWh. Banking charges of 1.10 ($0.014)/kWh will apply to MSME manufacturing units and other than demand-based consumers. Government buildings will not be levied with banking fees.

Third-Party Sale of Project

The sale of electricity to third-party consumers by the owner of a solar power project will be considered a third-party sale. Developers can also install projects on consumers’ rooftops to generate and sell power through a lease or power purchase agreement.
Energy set-off will be permitted between 7:00 and 18:00 hours of the same day for solar rooftop projects set up by HT/EHV consumers and LT demand-based consumers. After the specified period, DISCOMs should purchase any surplus energy.

DISCOMs must compensate the consumer for any excess energy not consumed during the set-off period at 75% of the simple average of the tariff discovered by GUVNL for non-park-based solar projects in the six months preceding the project’s commercial operation. The same will remain constant for the duration of the contract.

Solar energy consumed by demand-based consumers will incur banking charges of 1.50 ($0.019)/kWh. A banking charge of $1.10 ($0.014)/kWh will be applied to MSME units other than LT demand-based consumers. Government buildings will not be subject to banking fees.

Rooftop solar projects under the REC mechanism can be established in accordance with the Central Electricity Regulatory Commission’s administrative procedures for registration and accreditation (CERC).

The energy accounting for projects established under the REC mechanism should be done in 15-minute time blocks.

Surplus energy after being set off on a 15-minute time block basis should be compensated by DISCOMs at 65 percent of the simple average of the tariff discovered by GUVNL for non-park-based solar projects in the preceding six months from the project’s commercial operation in the case of projects set up for captive or third-party sale under the REC mechanism. The tariff will be in effect for the duration of the agreement.

A tariff of 65 percent of the simple average tariff for solar projects located outside of solar parks in the six months preceding the signing of the PPA will apply to DISCOMs agreeing to purchase electricity under the REC mechanism. The tariff will be in place for the duration of the agreement.

There will be no banking fees. Cross subsidy surcharges and additional surcharges, as determined by the Commission, will be applied to projects set up for third-party sale. Transmission and wheeling charges and losses will be assessed based on the project’s location and point of consumption.

Projects Set For RPO Complaince

Customers will be able to create projects to meet their RPO requirements regardless of contracted demand. Energy accounting for such projects must be done in 15-minute increments.

DISCOM will consider purchasing surplus solar energy from captive or third-party solar projects to fulfil its RPO. The DISCOM will compensate the excess energy injected into the grid at 75% of the simple average of the tariff discovered and contracted through a competitive bidding process conducted by GUVNL for non-park-based solar projects, and this compensation will be valid for the duration of the agreement. There will be no banking fees to pay.

When power wheeling or transmission for captive consumption is permitted with open access permission, the transmission charges and losses, wheeling charges, and unit losses that apply to regular open access consumers will be applied.

Cross Subsidy Surcharge And Additional Surcharge

Cross subsidy surcharges and additional surcharges will not apply to captive projects. The cross subsidy surcharge and additional surcharge will be the same for projects set up for third-party sale as they are for regular open access consumers.

GERC reiterated in February that DISCOMs procuring surplus energy from rooftop solar projects must use the state’s average power purchase cost of 4 ($0.053)/kWh as the ceiling for the fiscal years 2020–21.


The homeowner can conduct a cost analysis and determine the amount of electricity required to be profitable. This could encompass both the quantity of power that can be sent to the grid to produce more cash and satisfy the homeowner’s power needs.

Rooftop solar systems are becoming increasingly popular as a source of electric power since they are renewable and abundant during the day. Implementing an appropriate rooftop solar system with careful planning can result in an endless supply of electric power with low recurrent costs.

Is solar energy a good fit for your home?

This is unquestionably the most important item to understand before installing solar panels. So, how can you know if your home is solar-ready? Here’s a list of “indicators” to look for when determining whether your home is solar-ready:

Solar panels don’t perform well in the shade, thus there should be very little of it. It’s best if there’s a lot of direct sunshine. So, if your property is in the shadow of a skyscraper or was built next to a colosseum, you might want to consider moving before going solar!

How much would you save on your electricity bill if you go solar? Solar doesn’t always work out well for everyone. You should have a power bill of at least $300 every quarter and utilise at least half of your energy during daylight hours to get the most out of your solar panels. This is more of a guideline than anything else. In general, the higher your electricity expense, the more benefit solar panels will provide.

The direction of the roof isn’t important right now. It is, nonetheless, critical. You should have a large North-facing roof to get the most out of solar panels (if you live in Australia). East-West cooperation is also possible. Especially for setups with an overloaded inverter.

Which Solar Panels and Inverters Should You Purchase?

There are numerous brands of solar panels and inverters to choose from. When selecting a solar panel or inverter, keep the following guidelines in mind:

Panels of solar energy:

Choose a business that has been in operation for a long time.
Avoid panels that try to pass themselves off as European or have special qualities.
Get a few quotations and choose a reasonable price and an excellent product rather than paying top dollar.


If you plan on staying in the house for a long time, pay top dollar for a high-quality product.
If you’re buying for a rental property or won’t be staying long, go for a low-cost panel.

What should your contract contain?

The contract you sign should include all the financial, ownership, and performance requirements. Because these systems can contain web-enabled equipment, you should also check to see if someone is collecting data on your home’s energy production and consumption and who has access to it.

Key Features of Gujarat’s New Net Metering Policy

  1. Increased Capacity Limits
    • The new policy increases the upper limit for rooftop solar system capacity, allowing consumers to install larger solar systems. This is particularly beneficial for industrial and commercial users who require higher energy consumption and have more extensive rooftops available for solar installations.
  2. Simplified Procedures
    • The government has simplified the application and installation process for rooftop solar systems. By streamlining procedures, the policy removes bureaucratic hurdles, making it easier and faster for consumers to adopt solar energy.
  3. Financial Incentives and Subsidies
    • The state offers financial incentives and subsidies to reduce the upfront cost of installing rooftop solar systems. These incentives, coupled with the cost-saving benefits of net metering, make solar energy an economically viable option for many.
  4. Time-of-Day Tariffs
    • Under the new policy, Gujarat introduces time-of-day tariffs, where solar power generation during peak hours earns higher credits. This encourages users to maximize their solar energy production during high-demand periods, further increasing savings.
  5. Flexible Billing Options
    • The new net metering framework allows consumers to carry forward excess credits for an extended period, ensuring that users can benefit from their surplus solar energy across different seasons. This flexibility enhances the financial returns on rooftop solar installations.

Boosting Rooftop Solar Adoption in Gujarat

1. Cost Savings for Consumers

  • One of the primary advantages of the new net metering policy is the significant cost savings for consumers. By exporting excess electricity to the grid, users can lower their electricity bills, often reducing their energy costs by 50% or more. With the increasing affordability of solar panels and installation, rooftop solar becomes an appealing option for a broader range of consumers.

2. Increased Awareness and Accessibility

  • Gujarat’s government has initiated awareness campaigns to educate consumers about the benefits of solar energy and net metering. These efforts aim to demystify the technology and inform users of the financial advantages. Coupled with simplified procedures and better incentives, this has made rooftop solar more accessible to middle-class households and small businesses.

3. Support for Commercial and Industrial Users

  • The new policy is particularly beneficial for the commercial and industrial sectors, which have higher electricity demands. With increased capacity limits and better financial incentives, businesses can offset a more substantial portion of their energy needs with rooftop solar systems. This helps industries lower operational costs and meet sustainability goals.

4. Environmental Impact

  • Gujarat’s commitment to renewable energy is not just about economic benefits; it’s also about reducing the state’s carbon footprint. By promoting rooftop solar adoption, the state contributes to reducing greenhouse gas emissions, improving air quality, and promoting sustainable energy practices. The new policy aligns with India’s national target of achieving 450 GW of renewable energy by 2030.

5. Job Creation and Economic Growth

  • The growing demand for rooftop solar installations is expected to create jobs in the renewable energy sector, particularly in installation, maintenance, and manufacturing of solar components. This will contribute to Gujarat’s economic growth while supporting the transition to a green economy.


Gujarat’s new net metering policy marks a significant step toward boosting rooftop solar adoption in the state. By increasing capacity limits, simplifying processes, and offering financial incentives, the policy makes solar energy more accessible and financially attractive to consumers across residential, commercial, and industrial sectors. As more consumers embrace rooftop solar, Gujarat is poised to lead India’s renewable energy revolution, setting an example for other states to follow.

solarize bharat top solar manufacturers

The future of Gujarat’s energy landscape is brighter than ever, powered by the sun and driven by innovative policies that encourage sustainable development. With the right infrastructure and continued government support, rooftop solar could become a mainstream energy solution, empowering consumers and contributing to a greener, more sustainable future.

Take the next step in renewable energy by joining the Solarize Bharat pledge. Imagine your business not just as an entity benefiting from solar power but as a contributor to a nationwide movement, shaping the future of energy in our incredible nation.

Stay solar-powered and environmentally inspired!

P.S.: Share this blog with fellow solar enthusiasts to spread the word about the exciting world of solar energy!