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Topcon Solar Panels: 8 Must-Know Facts Before You Invest

Topcon Solar Panels

As solar energy technology evolves, innovative solutions emerge to enhance efficiency, durability, and cost-effectiveness. One such breakthrough is Topcon solar panels technology, a major advancement in the photovoltaic (PV) industry. In this comprehensive guide, we will explore the intricate details of TOPCon solar technology, its benefits, how it compares to traditional solar panels, and the potential it holds for the renewable energy landscape.

What is TOPCon Solar Panel Technology?

TOPCon (Tunnel Oxide Passivated Contact) is an advanced solar cell technology known for its high efficiency. It features a tunnel oxide layer between a transparent conductive oxide (TCO) layer and a p-doped crystalline silicon layer. The TCO layer allows sunlight to pass through, while the p-doped silicon absorbs and converts solar energy into electricity. The tunnel oxide layer reduces charge carrier recombination at the surface, enhancing the solar cell’s efficiency and energy capture.

TOPCon technology revolves around the idea of minimizing electron loss by utilizing tunnel oxide passivation, a method that allows solar cells to retain more of the energy generated during sunlight exposure. As a result, TOPCon panels deliver higher performance under various environmental conditions.

How Does TOPCon Technology Work?

At the core of TOPCon technology lies its n-type silicon substrate and a thin oxide layer known as the tunnel oxide layer. The tunnel oxide acts as a passivating agent that prevents recombination of charge carriers, thus reducing energy loss. This structure is topped with a layer of polycrystalline silicon, which further boosts the panel’s ability to retain electrons and enhance efficiency.

The key working mechanism of TOPCon technology includes:

Tunnel oxide layer: The tunnel oxide passivated contact (TOPCon) approach is an alternative to classical heterojunction solar cells enabling efficiencies of up to 24.4%. The tunnel oxide is a core element of this contact as it has to reduce the minority carrier recombination but simultaneously must not hamper the majority carrier flow

Polycrystalline silicon contact: Polycrystalline solar panels consist of photovoltaic cells with silicon crystals that act as semiconductors. When exposed to sunlight, the silicon absorbs energy and releases electrons, generating an electric current. This electricity is collected by metal contacts and sent to an inverter, where it is converted for building use, producing clean, renewable energy.

N-type silicon base: N-type silicon, a semiconductor material, has advantages over p-type silicon, such as reduced light-induced degradation and better temperature coefficients, leading to improved performance. TOPCon technology uses a thin silicon oxide layer to reduce carrier recombination, boosting efficiency. When combined with N-type silicon, TOPCon cells can achieve up to 28.7% efficiency, surpassing PERC cells at 24.5%. TOPCon is compatible with existing PERC production, offering cost-effective manufacturing and higher efficiency, and is expected to become the mainstream cell technology.

The Development and Evolution of TOPCon Technology

The development of TOPCon solar panel technology (Tunnel Oxide Passivated Contact) marks a critical point in the evolution of solar cell technology, building on years of advancements aimed at improving solar panel efficiency and reducing production costs. Understanding the history and evolution of TOPCon provides insight into how this technology has become one of the leading innovations in the photovoltaic (PV) industry.

1. Early Innovations in Solar Technology

The history of solar energy dates back to the 7th century B.C. when people used magnifying glasses to harness the Sun’s power. Over time, civilizations like ancient Greece and Rome utilized solar energy for heating. A major breakthrough came in 1839 when Edmond Becquerel discovered the photovoltaic effect, leading to the development of solar cells.

In 1954, Bell Labs created the first practical silicon solar cell, sparking rapid advancements in solar technology. By the 1970s, the energy crisis fueled interest in solar power, leading to cost reductions and increased accessibility.

Key milestones include the use of solar panels in space with Vanguard I in 1958 and the creation of the first solar-powered aircraft in 1981. The 2000s saw innovations like thin-film solar cells and bifacial panels, while modern advancements in efficiency continue to push the limits of solar technology. In 2021, 168 GW of new solar capacity was installed globally, highlighting the rapid growth of solar energy.

2. Emergence of PERC Technology as a Precursor

Solar cell efficiency plays a crucial role in reducing the cost of solar power generation. Over the past five years, cell efficiency has improved by about 0.3% annually. Monocrystalline cell efficiency increased from 18% in 2010 to 19.5% in 2015, while multicrystalline cells rose from 16.5% to 18%. These gains were achieved mainly through front-side optimizations.

However, the industry has now shifted focus to the rear side of the cell, introducing PERC (Passivated Emitter and Rear Cell) technology. PERC adds a dielectric passivation layer to the rear of the cell, reducing recombination losses and improving efficiency beyond the limitations of traditional Back Surface Field (BSF) cells. This relatively simple modification enhances performance without altering the front side of the cell and is easily integrated into existing production processes.

3. The Birth of TOPCon Technology

In 2013, researchers from Fraunhofer Institute for Solar Energy Systems (ISE) in Germany first proposed the concept of TOPCon (Tunnel Oxide Passivated Contact) technology. The goal was to further reduce electron recombination losses that were limiting the performance of existing solar cells. TOPCon introduced the idea of using a thin tunnel oxide layer to passivate the silicon surface of the solar cell, combined with a layer of doped polysilicon for better charge carrier transport.

The key innovation in TOPCon technology is the use of the tunnel oxide layer, which acts as an ultra-thin barrier between the silicon wafer and the polysilicon contact. This oxide layer is only a few nanometers thick but plays a crucial role in preventing unwanted recombination of charge carriers, allowing more electrons to flow freely through the cell, increasing the efficiency.

4. Advancements in TOPCon Efficiency

Since its initial proposal, TOPCon technology has undergone several stages of refinement. Early prototypes of TOPCon cells demonstrated promising results, with efficiency rates above 23%, but the challenge was in scaling up production for commercial use.

By 2018, leading solar manufacturers like LONGi Solar and JinkoSolar began to explore the commercial potential of TOPCon cells. These companies invested heavily in research and development to optimize the production process, increase efficiency, and reduce costs. Over the next few years, advancements in materials science and manufacturing techniques allowed for the commercial production of TOPCon cells with efficiencies exceeding 24%.

5. TOPCon Technology vs. PERC and Other Solar Cell Technologies

A TOPCon solar cell looks visually the same in a module as a PERC solar cell does once it is mounted. But unlike PERC cells, TOPCon cells are composed of more difficult-to-manufacture n-doped silicon. Still, TOPCon cells are able to reach better efficiency levels thanks to this substance.

An additional noteworthy distinction is that TOPCon cells require a more time-consuming passivation procedure. Although this technique is more difficult technically, the result is greater. In particular, adding a layer of polycrystalline silicon to the cell’s backside can tolerate greater voltages, which increases the solar cell’s overall efficiency, but it also necessitates a large amount of technological work.

1. Efficiency

PERC Solar Cells: Typically achieve efficiency rates between 20% to 22%. The passivation layer helps in capturing more light and converting it into electricity.

Topcon Solar Cells: Can reach efficiency rates above 28%. The advanced passivation and tunneling oxide layers contribute to these high-efficiency levels.

2. Cost

PERC Solar Cells: Generally, PERC cells are more affordable than Topcon cells. They offer a good balance between cost and performance, making them popular among solar panel manufacturers.

Topcon Solar Cells: While more expensive, Topcon cells provide higher efficiency and longer lifespan, which can justify the higher initial investment.

3. Applications

PERC Solar Cells: Ideal for residential and commercial installations where cost-effectiveness is a priority. They are also well-suited for regions with lower light conditions.

Topcon Solar Cells: Best for high-performance applications, including large-scale solar farms and installations in high-temperature regions

6. Challenges in TOPCon Development

Despite its potential, the development of TOPCon technology has not been without challenges. One of the primary hurdles has been the complexity of the manufacturing process. Creating the ultra-thin tunnel oxide layer with precision and ensuring uniformity across large solar cell wafers is technically demanding and requires advanced equipment.

Additionally, the initial costs of producing TOPCon cells were higher than conventional PERC cells, making it difficult for some manufacturers to justify the transition. However, as research continued and production techniques improved, the costs associated with TOPCon manufacturing have gradually decreased, making the technology more commercially viable.

Advantages of TOPCon Solar Panels

1. Higher Efficiency Levels

The mass production efficiency of TOPCon has reached up to 25.2%, surpassing the mainstream PERC’s 23.2% by 2 percentage points. Projections indicate that TOPCon’s efficiency could soar to 26.8% by the second half of 2023, widening the efficiency gap with PERC to 3.3 percentage points.

2. Low Degradation Rate

The N-type battery’s wafer substrate, doped with phosphorus, nearly eliminates photoluminescence attenuation due to the absence of boron-oxygen pairs. The first-year attenuation rate of TOPCon modules is about 1%, compared to PERC’s 2%, with an average annual attenuation rate post-first year of about 0.4% (vs. PERC’s 0.45%).

3. Low Temperature Coefficient

TOPCon modules excel in high-temperature environments, with a power temperature coefficient as low as -0.30%/°C, compared to PERC modules’ -0.34%/°C.

4. High Bifacial Rate

The bifacial rate of TOPCon can reach over 80%, significantly higher than PERC’s 70%. This attribute is particularly advantageous in large base projects with high ground reflectivity, enhancing power generation efficiency.

5. Environmental Impact

Investing in TOPCon solar panels contributes to a cleaner environment by reducing dependence on fossil fuels. Solar energy is renewable and produces no greenhouse gas emissions during operation. By choosing TOPCon technology, you are not only saving on energy costs but also making a positive impact on the planet.

6. Installation and Maintenance

The installation process for TOPCon solar panels is similar to traditional solar panels. It typically involves mounting the panels on your roof or in your yard, connecting them to an inverter, and integrating them with your home’s electrical system. Regular maintenance is minimal, usually requiring only occasional cleaning to ensure optimal performance.

Installation Process: The installation of solar panels involves several steps:

  • Site Assessment: The installation of ground-mounted solar panel systems begins with a thorough site assessment. This involves evaluating sunlight exposure, soil conditions, and other relevant factors to determine the optimal design and placement of the solar panels.
  • Design and Planning: Following the site assessment, the design and planning phase starts. This includes selecting the appropriate type of ground-mounted solar panel structure, designing the layout of the panels, and addressing engineering or regulatory requirements.
  • Installation: During the installation phase, the ground-mounted solar panel structures are set up, the solar panels are attached, and the system is connected to the electrical grid or battery storage. Proper installation is crucial to ensure that all components are securely and correctly set up.
  • Inspection and Testing: After installation, the ground-mounted solar panel system undergoes a detailed inspection and testing process. This includes checking electrical connections, verifying system performance, and making any necessary adjustments to ensure optimal operation.

Maintenance Tips: Proper maintenance ensures the longevity and efficiency of solar panels:

  • Regular Cleaning: Dirt and debris can reduce the efficiency of solar panels. Cleaning them at least twice a year is recommended to ensure optimal performance.
  • Inspection: After installation, the ground-mounted solar panel system undergoes a detailed inspection and testing process. This includes checking electrical connections, verifying system performance, and making any necessary adjustments to ensure optimal operation.
  • Monitoring: After installation, the system must be regularly monitored to ensure it operates efficiently. Maintenance is relatively low, but periodic inspections are necessary to keep the system in optimal condition.

7. Consider Your Energy Needs

Before investing in TOPCon solar panels, evaluate your energy needs and consumption patterns. Understanding your energy usage will help you determine the appropriate system size and configuration to meet your requirements. Consider factors such as:

  • Household Size: Larger households typically consume more energy.
  • Electricity Rates: Analyze your current electricity rates to estimate potential savings with solar energy.

8. Making the Right Decision

Investing in TOPCon solar panels can be a smart decision for homeowners and businesses looking to transition to renewable energy. However, it’s essential to conduct thorough research and consult with solar energy professionals to ensure you make an informed choice. Consider the benefits of higher efficiency, improved performance, and long-term savings when evaluating your options.

Final Thoughts

TOPCon solar panels represent a promising evolution in solar technology, combining efficiency, durability, and environmental benefits. As you consider your investment in solar energy, understanding the advantages of TOPCon technology will help you make a decision that aligns with your energy goals and financial objectives. With the right information and professional guidance, you can harness the power of solar energy to create a sustainable future for yourself and the planet.

Market Outlook For TOPCon Solar Panels

The market outlook for TOPCon (Tunnel Oxide Passivated Contact) solar panels is promising, with significant growth potential in the coming years. Here is an overview of the market outlook for TOPCon solar panels:

Increasing Demand: As the market for renewable energy grows, there is an increasing need for high-efficiency solar photovoltaic modules. The market for TOPCon solar panels—which have the potential to attain better efficiency than other technologies—is anticipated to rise due to utility-scale, commercial, and residential solar installations.

Cost Competitiveness: As TOPCon technology matures and scales up in production, economies of scale and manufacturing optimization are expected to drive down the costs associated with TOPCon solar panels. This cost competitiveness will make them more attractive to end-users and further boost market demand.

Technological Advancements: TOPCon solar panel costs are anticipated to decrease as the technology advances and production scaled up. This will be accomplished through economies of scale and manufacturing optimization. Their ability to compete on price will increase their appeal to consumers and increase market demand.

Market Expansion: Beyond conventional solar applications, TOPCon solar panels may find use in other market niches. Opportunities for integrating TOPCon technology into different goods and applications are created by its compatibility with building-integrated photovoltaics (BIPV) and new technologies like wearables and electric vehicles.

Growing Global Installations: Globally, nations are progressively embracing renewable energy goals and providing incentives for the installation of solar power. The installation of TOPCon solar panels in important markets, such as Europe, Asia, and North America, will be fueled by these legislative environments that are beneficial as well as the desire for more sustainable and efficient energy sources.

Industry Collaborations and Investments: The production and development of TOPCon solar panels is being funded by top solar panel manufacturers, research centers, and technology suppliers. Working together, we hope to improve technology, streamline production, and increase TOPCon panels’ market share internationally.

Market Competition: Although TOPCon technology has efficiency benefits, there is fierce competition in the solar panel sector. The market is still dominated by other technologies, such PERC (Passivated Emitter Rear Contact). The capacity of TOPCon solar panels to exhibit a competitive edge in terms of efficiency, performance, and affordability will determine the market prognosis for these products.

Durability and Lifespan of TOPCon Panels

TOPCon solar panels are a smart investment for both residential and commercial applications because to its lifespan and durability. These panels are long-lasting due to their sturdy design and minimal degradation rates. The majority of manufacturers demonstrate their faith in the durability and functionality of their products by providing guarantees that last for at least 25 years. You may rest easy knowing that your solar panels will provide effective power for a very long time thanks to our extended service warranty.

Future Prospects of TOPCon Solar Panel Technology

The year 2024 is crucial for TOPCon solar panel technology, marked by significant advancements and a global shift toward renewable energy. The industry’s focus on innovation, sustainability, and accessibility is evident, with Tamesol leading the way in advancing TOPCon technology. Their commitment to improving efficiency and integrating advanced solar solutions reflects the promising future of TOPCon solar panels. As companies like Tamesol innovate, the potential for solar energy expands, ushering in a new era of green technology and energy independence.

Cost Considerations for TOPCon Solar Panels

Initial costs for TOPCon solar cell technology may be slightly higher than those of PERC/PERT solar panels. However, industry analysts project a decline in the cost of TOPCon solar panels, eventually surpassing the affordability of current PERC solar cell technology.

Environmental Impact of TOPCon Technology

TOPCon technology aligns well with the growing emphasis on sustainability. With higher energy conversion efficiency, fewer materials are needed to generate the same amount of power compared to traditional panels. This reduces the overall carbon footprint of solar installations.

Moreover, the extended lifespan of TOPCon panels reduces the need for frequent replacements, which in turn minimizes waste and the environmental impact associated with manufacturing new panels.


TOPCon solar panel technology represents the future of solar energy, combining cutting-edge efficiency with durability and environmental sustainability. As the global energy landscape shifts towards renewable sources, TOPCon technology is poised to play a critical role in meeting the world’s energy needs.

For those looking to invest in solar, whether for residential, commercial, or utility-scale applications, TOPCon solar panels offer a promising solution that balances performance and long-term returns.

As technology continues to evolve, TOPCon may soon become the new standard in solar energy, paving the way for a cleaner, more efficient future.

Request a Free Consultation: Ready to explore how TOPCon solar panels can benefit your home or business? Contact us today for a free consultation and let our experts guide you through the process!